
Creating Number Sense Pt 2

A question I hear a lot amongst teachers, especially in the primary grades, is “How do I create number sense with my students?”. I admit this has been a challenge for me…there are so many suggestions out...
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Valentine's books Your Class will Love!

Valentine’s Day comes at the perfect time of the year! As a primary teacher in Maryland, February is full of snow, indoor recess, and standardized tests.  Valentine’s Day offers a bright, reviving...
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free letter matching game for early learners

Are your primary students struggling with their letter recognition skills? It happened to me this year with my first graders. My students knew most of their sounds for each letter but when assessed on...
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Unlocking Literacy: Free Letter Sort Game for Early Readers

Sorting is a natural skill that a child learns early on when they are playing. Blocks, race cars, Legos…any collection of things can become a sort. While we generally think of sorting as a math skill,...
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5 ways to boost letter naming fluency in primary grades

This year, my school district implemented DIBELS literacy assessments for primary grades. Part of these assessments include Letter Naming Fluency (LNF). Students are assessed on how quickly and accurately...
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Need Some Activities for a Stress Free Back to School?

Here are a some very basic activities that I use for my back to school week (bonus...2 of them are FREE!). I hope you will use them to make your first week stress-free
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10 Fun alphabet resources to Use in Your Class

10 Fun ABC Manipulatives to Use in Your Classroom  How do you make phonics engaging in your classroom? A great resource for any primary teacher to have is a stash of ABC manipulatives.My students...
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How To Create Number Sense - Part 1

A question I hear a lot amongst teachers, especially in the primary grades, is “How do I create number sense with my students?”. I admit this has been a challenge for me…there are so many suggestions...
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